Uncommon Meetings contains the secrets to short, powerful meetings.
Don't start another meeting without it!
Why you need Uncommon Meetings
Wasteful meetings are a universal complaint across organizations of every kind. Furthermore:
It doesn't have to be this way!
All those meeting improvement programs have been barking up the wrong tree! Uncommon Meetings has better answers.
What you will learn from Uncommon Meetings
Uncommon Meetings is short and powerful just as your meetings should be!
In seven quick tips, you will learn how to:
Establish, clear, more effective desired outcomes.
Know whether a meeting is appropriate and when to work offline.
Develop a plan that will achieve your desired outcomes.
Be sure you involve the right people and only those people.
Prepare participants effectively.
Lead your meeting strongly and with confidence.
Avoid meetings that pop up like dandelions.
Uncommon Meetings is particularly well suited for those who have read The Power of Clarity and/or The Clarity Papers, but anyone can benefit from these seven quick tips!
Get Uncommon Meetings today and keep it handy to help you plan and lead short, powerful meetings!
It’s time to change the way we run meetings!
Meetings waste time, break up the day, and accomplish little.
“Uncommon Meetings is a quick read with simple, easy to implement, ways to improve your effectiveness and everyone you work with. Following the steps Ann lays out will not only make you more effective, you will get thanks from your co-workers as well for all the time they save and how much more productive they get to be.”
Kimberly L. Putnam
Amazon Reviewer
“Uncommon Meetings is a quick read with simple, easy to implement, ways to make meetings shorter and more effective. You will get more time back and you and your co-workers will be more productive.”
W. Lowell Putnam
Trust Administrator, Lowell Observatory
“Ann Latham’s Uncommon Meetings is a road map to well run meetings. It is a good read for busy people. While serving as a refresher for all of us who labor through less effective meetings, the highlights in boxes and bullet points emphasize insightful aids to more meaningful meetings and desired outcomes.”
Dianne Fuller Doherty
Regional Director, Massachusetts Small Business Development Center Network
Ann Latham delivers Uncommon Clarity

ANN LATHAM, known widely as the Queen of Clarity, is the author of the new release, The Disconnect Principle, the modern classic, The Power of Clarity, in addition to The Clarity Papers and Uncommon Meetings. She is also the founder of US-based consulting firm Uncommon Clarity®. Her clients represent over 40 industries and range from organizations such as Boeing, Hitachi, and Medtronic to non-profits such as the Public Broadcasting Service, United Way, and colleges and universities.
Ann's advice has appeared in publications such as The New York Times, Bloomberg, and Management Today, and is an expert blogger for She speaks frequently to audiences, is a guest lecturer for the University of Massachusetts Isenberg School of Management . According to Alan G. Robinson, Isenberg professor and author of Ideas are Free, “Ann Latham is one of the best business speakers I have heard. She is very experienced, the quality of her thinking is extremely high, and she knows how to deliver her message in an entertaining, concise, and convincing way.”
Ann is also the sole recipient of a corporate award that she cherishes to this day: Most Likely To Dispute Recognized Authorities.
“Ann Latham is one of the clearest thinkers I know. Her words leap off the page, with an urgency and a call to action that is hard to ignore.”
Jennifer Geary
COO, Asto UK
Don't start your next meeting without it!

“I wish everyone would read this book. Ann Latham’s Uncommon Meetings is a quick read, packed with substantive ideas on how to get more out of meetings in less time. Everyone who runs meetings should read it!”
Janet Warren
President, MarCom Capital
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